
Portfolio- PLANNING

FOUNDATION PORTFOLIO PLANNING (ADDISON) Treatment for " The Everyday Assassi n " Prepared by " Age Productions " 5/3/2019 This film will be 2-2:30 minutes of duration and will be filmed at: 691A East Coast Road Browns Bay North Shore  Auckland New Zealand We have chosen to film at this location because the feel we are trying to create needs to be inside a house and also this location is very close to where are gear is being stored so transporting are equipment will not be a big concern. This location also has all the things we need it to have in order to create this opening scene. This film will include the following conventions of thriller films: Guns Knife Poison Empty Beer bottles Phones File Weapons Dangerous Items Dirty Scenes to create a dull scene Contrast between a "happy life" and a "dull life" These conventions will help the audience to experience a sense of suspense and tension. The use of contrast